Period Stigma Is Cramping Our Style!
Right now over 30 million people are menstruating. Despite menstruation being a natural and common process, periods are still shrouded in shame and stigma.
But what is period stigma? Period stigma is the broad term used to describe discrimination against people who menstruate. Period stigma is more than a societal norm; it results in a decrease in quality of life for people with periods. Period stigma has three main components: shame, discrimination, and lack of access to period products.
So let's break it down.
Period Shame
Have you ever been on your period in a public place and needed a tampon? Did you ask a friend if they had a tampon or a pad so quietly that no one heard? Did you slide the period product up the sleeve of your shirt to make sure no one saw what you were carrying? If you answered yes to the last two questions then you have probably experienced a form of period shame.
The societal stigma around periods has made discussing periods an embarrassing and taboo topic. Code words such as aunt Flo, code red, and that time of the month are used to avoid speaking openly about menstruation.
By refusing to speak about menstruation in a straightforward way, we perpetuate the idea that it isn't acceptable to discuss plainly, without veiled terminology. - Ariane Resnick
Period myths are also a contributing factor to having shame about periods. When we don't educate people about menstruation in plain and open terms periods become shrouded in mystery. As a result, period myths are born. Some period myths include: periods are dirty and unclean, if you use a tampon you will lose your virginity, if you swim sharks will attack you and during their period people with periods are impure.
Period Discrimination
Period stigma is a form of discrimination against people who menstruate. Around the world people with periods face different types of discrimination. This discrimination can look like…
Excluding people with periods from everyday spaces
Banning people with periods from cooking or touching food
Degrading comments about menstruation affecting
Excluding people with periods from certain roles or positions of leadership
Using terms such as PMS as an insult against people who menstruate
Period Poverty
Period stigma is a contributing factor to period poverty. But what is period poverty? Period poverty is the lack of access to menstrual hygiene products.
Check out this video to learn more about period poverty.
What is the solution?
Period stigma is a complex issue and the solution to ending period stigma does not have one easy answer. However, the first step to ending period stigma is to start talking about periods. Sharing open and honest period experiences will help educate people on the realities of periods and help break the cultural taboo that deems periods are something to be ashamed of.
If you want to get involved check out the #howiflow challenge on Instagram (@how.i.flow) and share your period story on social media to aid in ending period stigma.
XOXO- Quinlan Carnegie